Saturday 26 November 2011

Braidwood airing of the quilts

It rained, in fact  it poured all night so I doubted the quilts would be hung. Normally there is hundreds of quilts gently flapping in the breeze along the main street of historic Braidwood NSW. I know I would be devastated if my quilt was hung out in the weather, imagine the stress put on the hanging sleeve and stitches from a thoroughly wet quilt, not to mention the dirt. My mum, sister and gorgeous niece Hannah were going to go in convoy with some friends first thing in the morning, but we decided to stay home and sew instead. 

When the sun finally chased off the clouds by late morning we revised our plans and drove out chatting about current and planned projects. There was very few quilts hanging as expected. It must take a lot of volunteers a lot of time to hang the quilts and the weather certainly had not allowed for that. We were able to look and the show in the memorial hall including the NSW quilters guild recent challenge quilts. Lots of fun and some shopping ensued. On the trip home we stopped at Bungendore for some more quilts at there annual quilt show and a little more shopping. 

Monday 21 November 2011

Getting started

I'm not so good with technology but I thought I'd try blogging. As you may gather I love quilting and love looking at web pages created by others showcasing their quilting talents. Hopefully I can find time to make some new quilts and share the results on here. I also like the idea of an online journal. So here goes!!!!!